Safety Codes: What’s the Difference Between IBC and OSHA Stairs?

Whenever you see a set of stairs, you can be assured its construction was carefully considered. Each set has to meet certain standards before it’s made available for use. But with so many types of stairs, how can you tell which standards yours need to follow? Stairs can be designed to comply with different regulations […]

Reduce Waste Raised Walkway Service Platform

Reduce Waste, Enhance Value

What do you consider “waste” in your facility or plant? Excess energy or water? A worker who isn’t busy throughout the day? According to the Lean approach, it’s more than that. Anything that isn’t an action or process that your customer would be willing to pay for is waste. That means extra products sitting on inventory shelves are considered waste. So are extra steps…

OSHA Fine Changes Crossover Stairs

Major OSHA Updates Begin August 1st

Come August, there will be a new batch of OSHA rules and regulations going into effect. How will you know which ones impact you and how to decipher the new guidelines? Here, we’ve summarized the key updates to note, and what to pay attention to in the coming weeks.

Fall Protection Safety Month

It’s National Safety Month!

As the old saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. And there’s no better time than now to focus on preventing workplace injuries — especially since June is the National Safety Council’s (NSC) National Safety Month.